Atkinson & Dossett 1972 Bedford VAS3 #12. This bus has an NZMB B30F body. Seating is for children only.
Pleasant Point depot 16 October 2006. Photo Mike Butler.
YERTLE was formerly Atkinson & Dossett 15 a 1978 Bedford NJM with an Emslie body. This style of body was used on NZRRS Bedford YMTs built in 1978 and Hino
BG100s built between 1977 and 1981. Photo Martin Perry February 2013.
Atkinson & Dossett 6 and 18 at the Waimate Depot. 6 has an NZMB B35F body. 18 has a Midland B40F body. Number 6 was operated by Atkinson &
Dosset for nearly 34 years and 18 for 27 years. Photo Mike Butler 24 Oct 2006.
Atkinson & Dossett 19 at the Fairlie Depot. This bus has a Modern Motor Bodies B40F body. Like its sister 18 it served for 27 years.
Photo Mike Butler 25 Oct 2006.
Atkinson & Dossett 1978 Bedford NFM #39. This bus has an Micanta B40F body. Seating is for children only. Photographed at Fairlie depot October 18 2004. Photo Mike Butler.